Saturday, July 21, 2012

survival guides

Preparing for camp, I've found a bunch of great resources for writers, to get us started writing and to help keep us going. Here are some of my favorites so far:

Bob & Jack's Writing Blog: a writing master class in a single blog. This quote is going on my Post-It Quotes wall: "Start a story now before your mouth talks it away."

Write or Die: I learned about this one from a coworker who is also a poet. This tool will get you writing for sure (but if you set the consequences to Kamikaze, you might also pee your pants if you pause too long and your words begin to delete themselves)

Doyce Testerman's series on NaNoWriMo: a great series of blog articles that follow the progression of the month, with tips for making it through each stage. Favorite quote: "Moods are for sex. Writing isn't sex."

The Plot Whisperer's YouTube series: another writing master class on that inscrutable beast of plot.

Dispatches from Utopia's Writer With Kids series: a writer interviews other writers who are also parents, on how they keep all the balls in the air with a creative life and fine parenting.

The Writer's Portable Mentor by Priscilla Long, a Seattle writer and teacher of writing:
The Writer's Portable Mentor: A Guide to Art, Craft, and the Writing Life

The Writers With Kids series in particular blew my mind: is it possible for reasonably normal human beings to parent and write productively and creatively? (The answer seems to be yes, but so far my kids haven't read the memo.) There's a gazillion more of these resources out there, these are just the ones that have given me the boost to start writing again.

Has all this generosity and abundance been here all along, just waiting for me to search for help? 

There's a life lesson in there somewhere.

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