Thursday, March 6, 2014

the 300-days project: soft launch is in the bag

During resolution season, I decided a new Big Hairy Audacious Goal was needed for 2014: I'm embarking on 300 days of daily writing. To make sure it isn't 300 days of one-word-per-day (I can be sneaky that way), I've set some guidelines:

* I will write at least 10,000 words per month
* I have two book-length projects I can work on, and I will write wherever the "juice" is (this is to avoid project spawn--new projects can be so much more appealing than the one right in front of me, especially if I've written myself into a corner)
* Non-project writing (scene lists, journaling, character studies, writing prompts, blog posts and tweets) don't count toward the 10,000 word limit but may count as writing for the day in a pinch

Today marks the 300-days-left-in-2014 point, so it's the official start of my project. I "soft-launched" last week and with a few days in the bag, I'm feeling good about the goal. More to come. . .

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