Tuesday, March 25, 2014

20 days in

Can you write a novel four sentences at a time? My 300 days project has been an exercise in snapshots so far, tiny fruity pebbles of writing each night or at lunch. No more than 20 minutes at a time until tonight, when I've had a luxurious hour to myself. I've written every day except one when I was so sick and tired I fell asleep at 8 p.m. I keep thinking of the image--via Anne Lamott, I think--of the writer who would get up from the desk, drive around the block, race back to the desk and write as many sentences as possible until he couldn't bear it anymore, then drive around the block again. Wash, rinse, repeat. Why is writing so hard and so essential at the same time?

Also read an interesting article on the tyranny of Word as word processing tool. I've been using Evernote to write my bits: sometimes dictating through my cell phone, on the Kindle, iPad, web version. You can't get very precious with Evernote, which is the point--no endless font picking, just butt in chair. . .you know the rest.

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